Width Height Ratio Resolution Frequently Width screen all print braille embossed handheld projection speech tty tv Media Type only none not Token Reset S 320px Small smartphones (iPhone SE, Galaxy S5) M 375px Medium smartphones (iPhone 6, 7, 8, X, 11 Pro) L 414px Large smartphones (iPhone 6/7/8 Plus, XR, 11) S 600px Small tablets (Nexus 7) M 768px Portrait tablets (iPad, iPad Mini) L 800px Android tablets S 1024px Small laptops (iPad, iPad Mini) M 1280px Medium laptops (Small desktop monitors) L 1440px Large laptops (High-resolution monitors) 1600 1600px Large desktop monitors (27 inches) FHD 1920px Full HD monitors (24 inches and above) QHD 2560px QHD monitors 4K 3840px 4K monitors Height screen all print braille embossed handheld projection speech tty tv Media Type only none not Token Reset S 480px Small screens 600px Tablets S 800px Small laptops FHD 1080px Full HD screens 1200 1200px Large screens QHD 1440px QHD monitors 4K 2160px 4K monitors Ratio screen all print braille embossed handheld projection speech tty tv Media Type only none not Token Reset 4 : 3 16 : 9 16 : 10 3 : 2 Resolution screen all print braille embossed handheld projection speech tty tv Media Type only none not Token Reset 96dpi (1x) Standard resolution 144dpi (1.5x) Medium resolution 192dpi (2x) Retina resolution 288dpi (3x) High resolution 384dpi (4x) Ultra high resolution Frequently Used screen all print braille embossed handheld projection speech tty tv Media Type only none not Token Reset Orientation Portrait Landscape Prefers Color Scheme Light Dark Scan Progressive Interlace Grid Bitmap Grid Media Query Code Copied to clipboard!